Common Bottlenose Dolphin

The Common Bottlenose Dolphin is the most well-known species of ocean dolphin in the world. They swim in temperate and tropical oceans across the globe.

Common Bottlenose Dolphins are mostly grey in color. They have short snouts and may be up to 13 feet long. Common Bottlenose Dolphins are extremely intelligent. This has led to increased interaction with humans, in captive settings.

They are commonly kept in captivity, at marine parks, aquariums, and dolphinariums. The first dolphins kept in captivity were at what is now known as Marineland of Florida near St. Augustine, Florida, in 1938. The Marine Mammal Protection Act was enacted in 1972; the last dolphins to be captured off of U.S. waters were collected in 1989.

Blog post about the Scubadorable Common Bottlenose Dolphin: Common Bottlenose Dolphin Fun Facts

Details & Statistics

Added to Scubadorable
Aug 3, 2012
Scientific Name
Tursiops truncatus
Also known as
Bottlenose Dolphin
North Pacific, South Pacific, West Pacific, East Pacific, Gulf of California, Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean Sea, North Atlantic, South Atlantic, West Atlantic, East Atlantic, North Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Persian Gulf, Red Sea, Arabian Sea, Andaman Sea, Indian Ocean, Sea of Japan, East China Sea, South China Sea, Oceania, Coral Sea (GBR)
98 to 132 inches
0 to 150 feet

International Names

Czech (Cesky)
Delfín skákavý
German (Deutsch)
Großer Tümmler
Danish (Dansk)
Spanish (Español)
delfín nariz de botella
Finnish (Suomi)
Pullokuonodelfiini, pullonokkadelfiini
French (Français)
Grand dauphin
Italian (Italiano)
delfino dal naso a bottiglia
Japanese (日本語)
Dutch (Nederlands)
Norwegian (Norsk)
Tumlar, Tumler
Polish (Polski)
delfin butlonosy
Portuguese (Português)
Russian (русский язык)
Swedish (Svenska)
Korean (한국어)

Cute Dolphin Gifts

School of Jumping Bottlenose Dolphins Adult Cloth Face Mask – Our cute Common Bottlenose Dolphin is having some fun! Swimming, jumping, smiling! This cute active design is perfect for anyone that loves these beautiful marine mammals.... View on Zazzle
Jumping Bottlenose Dolphin Notepad – Our cute Common Bottlenose Dolphin is having some fun! Swimming, jumping, smiling! This cute active design is perfect for anyone that loves these beautiful marine mammals.... View on Zazzle
Common Bottlenose Dolphin Insulated Water Bottle – Common Bottlenose Dolphins live across the world, swimming in temperate or tropical waters. These gray cuties may swim up to 2600 miles during seasonal migration. They... View on Zazzle