New Killer Cutie!

We’ve recently added the Orca, also known as the Killer Whale, to our Scubadorable family of cute reef fish and other marine animals. Pretty cute, right?
This beautiful black-and-white marine animal is actually a species of dolphin, and not a whale. They can be found in all of the world’s oceans, from the Arctic to the Antarctic and all seas in between, but it does prefer the colder waters of the polar regions. Orcas are very fast swimmers, able to reach up to 30 mph; they typically come up to breathe every 30 seconds.
We have some great new designs in our store featuring the Orca, including Killer Whale Dive Flag, Save the Killer Whales and I Love Orcas.
By the way, that Emperor Penguin you see in the background on the image above is from our sister site Birdorable, which features the cutest birds on the wing.
First published 11/22/2008; edited 3/26/2021